Stuck for Gift Ideas? 6 Ways to Give the Gift of Learning

    If you are having a hard time deciding what kind of gift to buy your child, your grandchild, your nieces, your nephews, your friend's children, then how about this for a gift idea - give them the gift of learning! It's not too late if you can't get to the shops or left it too late for delivery either.


    It's a little unusual as a gift idea, but giving learning as a gift could make a massive difference to a child who is near and dear to you, and a gift of learning is one that will keep on giving not just once but will also last a lifetime.


    6 Ways to Give the Gift of Learning

    Just to give you a little bit of inspiration on how to gift learning to a child, here are 6 ideas:


    1. Buy a book - Fiction, non-fiction, biography, graphic novel, early readers, ebooks, Kindle reader, audio books - there are so many different formats and, of course, books to choose from. While physical books may take some time to arrive through the post, if timing is an issue and you're looking for a last-minute gift idea, digital and audio books would be perfect for this. 
    2. Buy a magazine subscription - There's something exciting about receiving a magazine regularly in the post, and signing up for a subscription such as The Week Junior, Eco Kids, The Week Science & Nature, Aquila, etc are some great ideas for gifts that don't rely on immediate delivery.
    3. Buy a game - Playing games can be highly educational - just check out our article on Gameschooling. These can be physical board games, or digital ones that can be played online. 
    4. Subscribe to a learning app - The prevalence of online learning apps has increased significantly over the past few years, and there's an app for pretty much everything.
    5. Get tickets for a trip to the zoo or other place - Tickets and annual passes to various places (zoos, theme parks, museums, shows) have always been a great go-to last minute present for us, because they are exciting to receive, and giving an experience is always educational. Whether it is learning about animals, forces on a rollercoaster, about history, art or science (or chocolate!) or watching a show - the child you buy this gift for will come away with added knowledge and appreciation of something special. 
    6. Buy a gift card or gift an enrollment on Outschool - We may be a little biased about this, but this is a great last-minute gift you can sort out quickly and easily on Outschool. You can gift a specific class or experience, or you can give a gift card for credit so that the child you are buying for can choose their own classes.

    How to Give the Gift of Outschool

    Outschool is an online learning platform with over 140,000 classes for children aged 3-18, and so there are so many different opportunities for choice and variety of gifts to choose from. The 2 options for gifting learning on Outschool are to either gift an enrollment for a specific class, or to buy a gift card.

    Skip to Gift an enrollment to a specific class

    Skip to Buy a gift card


    OPTION 1: Gift an enrollment to a specific class

    1. Head over to this page on Outschool where you can get inspiration on what categories of classes you can find. If you scroll down, there's even an alphabetical list!
    2. You will need to create a free account on Outschool to buy a gift enrollment.
    3. Select a class you think the child you are buying for would like.
      Select a class
    4. Select the time for them to take the class and click on Enroll:
      Enroll Outschool class

    5. Select Gift Enrollments (and unselect any learners you have on your account), select the number of enrollments you want to gift, and pay for the class.
      Outschool Escape Room

    6. Once you have paid, you will be given a code to share with the parent/guardian of the child so they can claim the gift enrollment.
      Gift enrollments

    7. Once you share this link and they claim the class, they will get a message like this one and they can 'claim' the enrollment:

    Give the Gift of Learning



    OPTION 2: Buy a gift card

    The second option to give the gift of learning on Outschool is to buy a gift card. Here's how to do that:

    1. Head over to this page to buy a gift card.
    2. From the drop-down menu on the right, select Give a Gift Card
      Outschool gift card

    3. Click on Buy a Gift Card
      Screenshot 2022-12-10 07.18.48

    4. Fill out all the details, including a personalised message. You can even schedule it to send on a specific date. Please note gift cards are purchased in US Dollars.
      Create Outschool gift card

    5. Once you have purchased the gift card, you will get a confirmation of your order, and the recipient will be sent the email (on the date specified if it is not immediately).
    6. They then go to Redeem a Gift Card and this will top up their Outschool account with credit to use on any classes they choose.
      Screenshot 2022-12-10 07.30.31

      How Outschool gift cards work


    Happy Gifting!