What is Lorem Ipsum?

More than ever, employees want options for pursuing

Launching the Benefit

We're excited to support you in launching the Outschool benefit for your team! To make sure that the launch is a success, we've assembled the materials you'll need to communicate the "what," "why," and "how" of the benefit. These materials will answer your team's questions about the benefit - and if there's a question we haven't covered, please let us know!

Your Launch Checklist

✅ Announce the partnership using our sample language on as many platforms as possible 

✅ Pin our employee-specific Outschool FAQ, Concierge Service, and Upcoming Classes pages on your comms tools that are frequently visited by employees (Slack/Teams, your company intranet)

✅ Leverage employees who are already fans of Outschool to spread the word! Ask them for a testimonial or to encourage participation directly through company communications channels

✅ As an add-on to your partnership, buy out a specific class for employees to encourage them to try Outschool 

✅ Look out for an email from your Outschool Partnership Manager with your usage dashboard, which updates in live time 

Outschool FAQ

Please find here a general version of our employee-specific Outschool FAQ.

Please feel free to make a copy of this document and customize it for your team's needs.

This FAQ is a great resource to have pinned on your company intranet or company comms (Slack, Teams) so that employees can always access it. 

Announcement Language

Please find here sample announcement language for when you are ready to launch the benefit.

The three highlights we think are important to include in your launch of the benefit are this short video of how to sign up, our Concierge Service form, and our employee-specific Upcoming Classes page.