Meet the Outschoolers: Emma B

    Welcome to our new series; meet the Outschoolers. We’d like to introduce you to families from all over the UK who are using the Outschool platform to enrich the education of their children.

    This week we would like you to meet Emma Beal and her family.

    Emma Beal

    Emma, could you introduce us to your lovely children?

    Yes of course. Charles is 10, Ellizabeth is 8 and Albert is 5. 

    You are a popular home educating family on You Tube, could you briefly tell us about your journey so far?

    Thank you, that’s so kind. My children have never been to primary school but they have attended pre-school. We first started back when Charles was under 2 years of age when we suspected that he was Autistic. After extensive research, we felt that he’d thrive better at home. As our other children came along, it was obvious that they were Autistic too and it became a lifestyle choice as well as an educational one. It’s been bumpy at times, dealing with the educational challenges that Autism can bring as well as Dyslexia for Ellizabeth. But we work as a team, the four of us and my husband Phillip and we get through it all. 

    How has Outschool become a part of your weekly routine?

    We’ve only done classes on and off until this year, when it became a part of the everyday. I got a new job, working from home part time, and I really needed to outsource some parts of our home education. The children and I had a family meeting (which we do every 6 weeks to discuss projects that we’d like to do) and I mentioned using Outschool for one or two particular subjects. They were all keen. I only gave them one rule, one subject had to be the same for all three of them. They had their own meeting, and chose science. They’ve all signed up for a class each outside that too. Charles has art, Ellizabeth has baking and Albert has phonics. 

    It’s really giving me that time to focus on other areas of their education and frees up time for my own work as well. 

    Do you children have different learning styles and how are they catered to on Outschool?

    Yes. Charles prefers structure and is a very visual learner. You have to show him or write/draw a concept for him. Ellizabeth is an auditory learner, she has to listen and talk through everything. Albert is only little but he’s definitely a kinesthetic learner and needs to move all the time! 

    The most important thing has been finding teachers with the right style and we’ve done very well. All of Albert’s teachers are aware of his need to move and give him space to do that; they’ve even found ways to use it to their advantage and create learning opportunities. Ellizabeth’s teachers give her time to talk through ideas and practise her listening skills, and she comments after every class how pleased she is that they do that. 

    Charles has found that he prefers teachers who are really bubbly but straight forward and we’ve easily found them by looking at the teacher’s trailers before signing up. If Charles’ likes their vibe, we go for it! 

    What have been the benefits of online learning for you?

    Yes, not only has it been an amazing learning experience for the children, getting to be inspired and influenced by people who aren’t me, but it’s given me a break. A space to breathe. As a home educating parent, it’s so important to me to have space to just be as it’s so full on. Outschool has given that back to me. 

    Have you had to deal with any challenges with learning in this way?

    Yes, mainly keeping the other two entertained while one is in a class. They love to be together and join in with whatever the others are up to. Ellizabeth and Albert need emotional support during the classes so whoever is left out wants to be involved. It can be stressful at times, but we get through ok. 

    What advice would you offer other Home Educators thinking about supporting their children’s learning journeys?

    Go slow and find your rhythm. The biggest thing I’ve learned is that there is no rush to do anything, anytime. Find your own rhythm and pace, find your child’s rhythm and pace, and the rest will fall into place. 

    Emma created a video about Charles' first Outschool class, which you can see here:


    Emma's top class recommendations are:

    Thank you to Emma for this great Meet the Outschoolers interview! Make sure that you join our UK Families Group on Facebook to connect and chat with other UK-based Outschoolers. Emma is also one of Outschool's home ed contributors on our Outschool UK YouTube channel.